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After registering for a sshare account you'll gain access to your private area. From here you can view the control panel on the left. Under 'Accounts' you should be able to click 'Add Account' where you can link to your social profiles and accounts. After adding a new account, click 'Connect Social Network' and follow the remaining steps.
You have two options, you can view the posts you have scheduled for each account in ‘Accounts’ or you can just select ‘Calendar’ and view all posts from all accounts scheduled during each month. You will also have a brief view at your dashboard and some notifications about your posted content.
With the free trial, you can access everything sshare.media has to offer - add accounts, schedule and publish posts, use the calendar, view analytics, make use of tasks and assignments, as well as many other functions.
Yes, you will receive a notification before the free trial is due to expire with an option to continue with or cancel your plan.
No, your content will be saved in 'Drafts'. You can reactivate your account at any time and recover all of your work.
To add members to your team you just have to:
Only the ADMIN user (who subscribed for the sshare.media account) can assign roles. In 'Account Settings', under 'Users', you can add, assign, edit and archive users.
With sshare.media you have the ability to monitor how your audience interacts with your campaigns. To do this, go to the 'Analytics' tab. From here you can also quickly download auto-generated reports, and/or send them directly to team members or clients by inserting their email addresses and clicking 'send report'.
With your sshare.media account you can set yourself goals for each of your social accounts. Goals relate to how many posts or pieces of content you wish to post per week, or on a two-week or monthly basis. You will be notified if you are not scheduling enough posts to meet your desired goals. In 'Calendar' view, you will quickly see which weeks require content to be scheduled.
If you have a Mailchimp subscription you can easily integrate this with your sshare.media account to convert your scheduled social posts into emails. Simply add your Mailchimp account as a new social media profile and select the contacts list you want to assign to that sshare.media account. You can connect different contacts lists from Mailchimp to your different sshare.media account's social profiles. Now you'll be set up to convert your social media posts into an email marketing campaign in one-click.
At sshare.media we accept Credit Card, PayPal and Bank Reference (depending on the destination country of the bank account).
Yes, after you subscribe and renew your account we will automatically generate a Legal VAT Invoice. You can download them any time in your 'Account Settings' in the top right corner.
We'll be sorry to see you go, but you can cancel your subscription in 'Account Options'.
The sshare.media app is available for iOS and Android and can be downloaded for free from the Apple Store and Google Play. Look out for the quick links to both stores on the sshare.media website and in the dashboard view of your sshare.media account. Here you'll find the link on the left menu under 'Applications'.